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Recently I picked up a copy of Benchmarks of Quality in the Church by Norman Shawchuck and Gustave Rate (Nashville: Abingdon Press, 1994). Very early in this book I discovered a theme, a direction, a focus for my ministry. One of the first benchmarks mentioned was that of spirituality. "The pastor and leaders who merely assume the presence of a vital spirituality will do so to their ultimate regret. Spirituality is not to be assumed; rather it must be defined, nurtured, and attended" (p.27). After reading these words I realized that I must be on a spiritual journey myself and then I must lead by example, by teaching and by encouraging others to practice spirituality. How do I do this?
According to John Wesley, the goal of every Christian should be to have holiness of heart and life -- a life filled with the grace of God which is devoted to complete love for God and neighbor. To do this one must practice the means of grace as instituted by example by Jesus Christ. These are listed in the Discipline of the United Methodist Church in the section called the Doctrinal Standards of the United Methodist Church. They include the following:
I have become convinced that these six disciplines should be the kingpins for my pastorate. When these are in place then there will be a better chance that the pastor and people will be sensitive to the voice of God and follow his directions as the church moves out into its community.
First printed in The American Night Watch Newsletter, Volume V, Part 4, April 1997.
Copyright 1999 Joe Hoover. All Rights Reserved.
The American Night Watch is a trademark of the Christian ministry of Sterling M. Durgy.
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This page was last updated October 22, 1999.