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Resources Available from Others
for Your Enrichment
The American Night Watch commends to you the following books in print and in electronic form. Those chosen to appear on this page have been chosen both for their excellence in scholarship and their faithfulness to Scriptural Christianity. They are also resources that, in our opinion, readers are less likely to have learned of elsewhere. Wesleyan resources predominate not only because my theological orientation is Wesleyan, but also because Reformed resources tend to be much better publicized in today's evangelical circles -- which tend to be predominantly Reformed.
Please note that these resources cannot be ordered from The American Night Watch. Therefore, our most up-to-date information about publishers and distributors is also listed on this page, and where there is a specific source for a resource, it will be specified at the end of the item's listing. The distributors themselves will provide you with the most up-to-date information on availability and prices. You are encouraged to visit their web sites or call them directly for more information about the resources we list.
Please note that even if we list just one publisher or distributor for a specific resource that it may be available from others as well. Those who wish to shop are encouraged to do so. We provide a source to remove some of the frustration for some of the listings that may be difficult to find.
Also, please understand that our recommended reading list is not in any way meant as a definitive or exhaustive list of resources or distributors; these are the resources at the top of any list we would commend to our readers. Nevertheless, the absence of a book, CD-ROM disk, publisher, or distributor from this page should not be interpreted to imply anything negative in any way.
You will find other resources listed and cited in the articles at this web site that are not included in this list. Additional publishing houses and resources may be found through our links page.
Christian Books
- Abanes: - How should a Christian view the Harry Potter books? Richard Abanes presents an in-depth analysis in Harry Potter and the Bible: The Menace behind the Magick (Horizon Books, 2001). He does this through a careful analysis of Rowling's writings. Abanes writes in the introduction to his book,
Spiritual discernment may be at an all-time low in both the Church and in the world. The idea of "spirituality" -- now all the rage in our postmodern times -- is deemed a subjective, relative, pragmatic pursuit of personal enjoyment apart from considerations of truth, rationality or objective reality. And far too many Christians have failed to develop their critical faculties concerning the enticements of a post-Christian culture. Moreover, in our fallen world, many forms of evil masquerade as innocent, harmless and fun. They are often accepted with little evalutaion or criticism, especially when they are popular and entertaining. Yet Paul calls us to test everything, hold on to the good and avoid every kind of evil (1 Thessalonians5 :21-22).
Now apparently out of print, but copies still available, this book is appropriate for all who wish to investigate this from a Christian perspective.
- Carson: - D. A. Carson presents a thorough examination of the relationship between Christianity and contemporary thought in The Gagging of God: Christianity Confronts Pluralism (Grand Rapids: Zondervan Publishing House, 1996). Dr. Carson carefully examines contemporary pluralism, its effect on evangelical thought, and its relationship to the teachings of Scripture. He uses the Bibles "plot-line" as a guide to the correct interpretation of Biblical teachings. For the clergy and lay people interested in rigorous research and thought.
- Coppedge: - "God wants to be known! . . . So the two crucial questions are, 'What is he like?' and 'How do we know him?'" writes Allan Coppedge in the introduction to his Portraits of God: A Biblical Theology of Holiness (Downers Grove, Illinois: InterVarsity Press, 2001). Dr. Coppedge, Beeson Professor of Christian Theology at Asbury Theological Seminary, then sets out to answer these questions in this volume. What follows is a highly readable discussion of the holiness of God and how this relates to our lives. As the book jacket says, "This is a book for students, pastors and churchgoers alike. Anyone desiring to know more deeply and wholly the Christian God revealed in the Bible will find here a treasure of scholarship and truth."
- Edgar: - The Scripture's teaching on the gifts of the Holy Spirit is being badly distorted by the "signs and wonders" movement in our time. Thomas R. Edgar couples a study of Scripture with analysis of the arguments of John Deere, Wayne Grudem, and others in his Satisfied by the Promise of the Spirit: Affirming the Fullness of God's Provision for Spiritual Living (Grand Rapids: Kregel Resources, 1996). Contrary to what is often contended, this book demonstrates that the signs and wonders movement justifies its understanding of spiritual gifts on the basis of experience rather than the teachings of Scripture. Appropriate for pastors and lay people. Dr. Edgar is Professor of New Testament at Capital Bible Seminary in Lanham, Maryland.
- Hagopian: - Viewpoints on creation are presented and debated in The Genesis Debate: Three Views on the Days of Creation, ed. David G. Hagopian (Mission Viejo, California: Crux Press, 2001). J. Ligon Duncan III and David W. Hall present the 24-hour view; Hugh Ross and Gleason L. Archer present the day-age view; and Lee Irons and Meredith G. Kline present the framework view. In addition, each responds to the arguments of the other. All writers are evangelical Christians committed to the integrity of Scripture. R. C. Sproul, Jr. wrote that this book "is a powerful read for anyone interested in the creation debate. It will make you think and deepen your faith, helping you to see that God not only made the world, and all that is in it, but that He did it by the Word of His power, and for His glory." Order from Crux Press.
- Oden: - Thomas Oden's John Wesley's Scriptural Christianity: A Plain Exposition of His Teaching on Christian Doctrine (Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1994) is a faithful, one-volume discussion of the doctrinal teachings of John Wesley with many references to Wesley's writings. A good resource for careful students of Wesley's theology, whether clergy or serious-minded laity. Probably too rigorous for the average lay person.
- Oswalt: - Those who have read Dr. John N. Oswalt's writings or sat under his teaching know that he combines warm-hearted evangelicalism with insightful scholarship. Conversant with history, linguistics, and contemporary critical thought, Dr. Oswalt is able to bring understanding to specific Scripture while not losing track of the the broader issues and implications of Biblical teaching. All of these factors commend his two-volume commentary on Isaiah to pastors and serious lay students of Scripture. Published separately as The Book of Isaiah: Chapters 1-39, The New International Commentary on the Old Testament, R. K. Harrison and Robert L. Hubbard, Jr. gen. eds. (Grand Rapids: William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 1986) and The Book of Isaiah: Chapters 40-66, The New International Commentary on the Old Testament, R. K. Harrison and Robert L. Hubbard, Jr. gen. eds. (Grand Rapids: William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 1998), readers will find some differences between volume 1 and volume 2. In the commentary section of volume 1 (as opposed to the general, introductory section), passages of Scripture are not specified on each page, making it more difficult to turn to a specific part of the commentary. This was corrected in the second volume, which also contains a more extensive index than volume 1. The shortcomings of the format of volume 1, however, should not, in my opinion, discourage anyone from purchasing and using such a useful commentary on Isaiah.
- Oswalt: - Dr. Oswalt writes, "The fate of the Christian Church in America and around the world depends upon what the Church does with the Biblical doctrine of holiness." We agree. Scriptural holiness is the primary message of Wesleyan Methodism. In Called To Be Holy (Nappanee, Indiana: Evangel Publishing House, 1999), Dr. John N. Oswalt shows how holiness fits into God's plan and how Christians can live holy lives before the Lord. Dr. Oswalt's book is one of the most helpful to be written on this subject in our time. In the preface, the author tells us that, "What I have written in these pages is the result of some 40 years of study, teaching, preaching and reflecting;" therefore, this is a very personal testimony to his beliefs as well as a clear and practical presentation of how to live a holy life. For lay people as well as those in positions of Christian leadership. (For more on Dr. John Oswalt, see above.)
- Purkiser, Taylor, Taylor: - God, Man, & Salvation: A Biblical Theology (Kansas City: Beacon Hill Press, 1977) is a one-volume Biblical theology authored by three scholars in the Wesleyan tradition; W. T. Purkiser, Richard S. Taylor, and Willard H. Taylor. An excellent reference work and starting point for those studying the development of the Bible's teachings or seeking clarity on important points of doctrine. Order from Beacon Hill Press of Kansas City.
- Rogers: - Gambling: Don't Bet on It (Grand Rapids: Kregel Publications, 2005) by Rex M. Rogers provides a thorough study of the nature and history of gambling from a Biblical perspective. Rogers warns, "the history of gambling is a record of broken promises, broken dreams, and broken lives." He then goes on to document this claim. This is an excellent resource for both clergy and lay people on an issue of great public significance..
- Rose: - Those seeking an appreciation of Methodist history and an understanding of Scriptural holiness will find both in Delbert R. Rose's Vital Holiness: A Theology of Christian Experience (Salem Ohio: Schmul Publishing Company, 2000). A reprint of Dr. Rose's doctoral thesis, this work uses the history of the holiness movement, especially the life and teachings of Methodist preacher Joseph H. Smith (1855-1946), to help readers understand the historic, Wesleyan message. Vital Holiness is readable enough for an average reader and rigorous enough for the serious scholar -- a rare combination. The foreword was written by Richard S. Taylor. I was privileged to be one of Dr. Rose's students when he taught theology at Asbury Theological Seminary some years ago. I highly commend this book and his teaching. Out of print for some time, Vital Holiness has been made available again by Schmul Publishing Company. As this work was republished, Dr. Rose was presented with a Lifetime Achievement award by the Wesleyan Theological Society.
- Shank: - Robert Shank's two volumes Elect in the Son: A Study of the Doctrine of Election (Springfield, Missouri: Westcott Publishers, 1970) and Life in the Son: A Study of the Doctrine of Perseverance (Springfield, Missouri: Westcott Publishers, 1961) provide some of the best contemporary discussions of these doctrines. Those looking for proof-texting, on either side, will quickly lose patience with Rev. Shank's writings. Each book examines the evidence in Scripture and historical theology that must be taken into consideration by those seeking an honest understanding of what Scripture truly teaches regarding these doctrines. Serious students who read at a high-school level or above will have no problem following Rev. Shank's arguments.
- Wells: - In No Room for Truth, or, Whatever Happened to Evangelical Theology? (Grand Rapids: William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 1994) David F. Wells provides one of the most helpful examinations of how culture has affected the evangelical church in the United States. The challenge to contemporary Christians to think Biblically and theologically (in the best sense of the word) has never been more persuasively written. This writing is for serious clergy and lay persons wrestling with the relationship between Christian belief and culture. The reading level is high-school or above.
- Wesley: - John Wesley's clearest explanation of his teaching on Christian holiness is provided in his A Plain Account of Christian Pefection: as believed and taught by the Reverend John Wesley from the year 1725 to the year 1777, Reprinted from the original text as authorized by the Wesleyan Conference Office in London, England, in 1872 (Kansas City: Beacon Hill Press of Kansas City, 1971). It is a collection of writings on this subject that is still helpful for those studying the Scripure's teaching on this important subject.
- Wesley: - John Wesley both translated Scripture and provided helpful notes in Explanatory Notes Upon the New Testament in two volumes (Kansas City: Beacon Hill Press of Kansas City, Reprinted 1963 from an undated version published by The Wesleyan-Methodist Book-Room, London). Wesley's Notes were written as guidance to clergy and lay people in a time when Bible commentaries readily accessible to people were fairly uncommon. Still helpful today, they form part of the historic doctrinal guidelines for Methodists. The Notes are now available on-line and on CD-ROM (see below). However, this set is available for those who find the printed version more useful or convenient.
- Wesley: - I have found that the notes written by Rev. N. Burwash are almost as valuable as Wesley's sermons in Wesley’s Doctrinal Standards, Part I: The Sermons with Introductions, Analysis, and Notes (1881 ed. reprinted 1967 by H. E. Schmul). The fifty-two sermons in this volume are the standard sermons that helped define the doctrinal standards of Methodism. In times past, Methodist preachers were to read these sermons through each year. The sermons themselves are in the form of notes rather than transcript; making them somewhat harder to read, but offering a good format for study. This is one of the "lost treasures" of the Christian literature. Christians today will profit greatly by renewing their acquaintance with Wesley's standard sermons. Available from Schmul Publishing Company.
- Wesley: - The Works of John Wesley, Third Edition, Complete and Unabridged, 14 vols., edited by Thomas Jackson(Grand Rapids: Baker Book House, reprinted 1978 from the 1872 edition issued by the Wesleyan Methodist Book Room, London) contains much, but not all, of Wesley's voluminous writings. Wesley's Notes are not included in this set, and there are other writings not contained here. Nevertheless, most of John Wesley's sermons, journal entries, letters, and other writings are contained in this impressive 14 volume set. Many people speak for Wesley. Studying Wesley's Works is the best way to let Wesley speak for himself. Now available on CD-ROM (see below), many will find it helpful to have the printed version. You should also note that this printed version is from an 1872 printing whereas the CD-ROM version is of the earlier 1854 edition.
Da Vinci Code Related Materials
The Da Vinci Code has received far more publicity than it deserves. Like many other quasi-historical works, it hides behind the label "fiction" but presents a blatantly false account of historical facts. Because it distorts historical fact in such a way as to undermine Christian faith, it is beyond my understanding why any Christian would want to read this book or see the movie for entertainment.
Nevertheless, Brown's work has been immensely popular. Therefore, we present the following resources to help our readers evaluate the truth and present the facts to non-Christians who may be influenced by this. Please be aware that there are many other fine resources that expose the shortcomings of The Da Vinci Code that are not listed here. These, however, are among the best that we know of. You may also wish to read Who’s Telling the Truth About Jesus?
(Mid-Watch Report for May 2006) at this web site.
- Darrell L. Bock, Breaking the Da Vinci Code (Nashville, Tennessee, Nelson Books, 2004).
- Michael Green, The Books the Church Suppressed (Grand Rapids: Monarch Books, 2005).
- Neil R. Lightfoot, How We Got the Bible, 3rd edition, (Grand Rapids: Baker Books, 2003). While not specifically dealing with The Da Vinci Code, this book presents important background information.
- The Da Vinci Code Deception - Fact vs. Fiction: Your Guide to the Truth
[DVD] (Baker City, Oregon: Grizzly Adams Productions, Inc., 2005). This DVD presents about 120 minutes of documentary and commentary. It is based upon books written by Darrell Bock, Erwin Lutzer, and James Garlow with Peter Jones. It includes commentary by other writers as well.
Other Books of Interest to Christians
Gibson: - John Gibson's The War on Christmas: How the Liberal Plot to Ban the Sacred Christian Holiday Is Worse Than You Thought (New York: Sentinel, 2005) shows that the attempt to exclude the word "Christmas" and all associated with it is an attempt to ban Christianity from the public square; which, of course, is a violation of the constitutional rights of Christians. Gibson shows why so many Americans have become rightly concerned about this trend. Written for lay people.
Meyer: - Dr. Stephen C. Meyer's Signature in the Cell: DNA and the Evidence for Intelligent Design (New York: HarperCollins Publishers, 2009) follows the history of modern scientific attempts to discover how life began. Meyer's account is fair to all sides as he discusses theories of the origin of life, including the cellular and biochemical information required to understand those theories. His perspective is the vast amount of highly-specific information required for even the simplest living cell to function. He concludes that Neo-Darwinism has demonstrated that life could not have arisen by random means, and that examples from computer and information science demonstrate that Intelligent Design is necessary to bring about the complex biochemistry that enables cells to function and reproduce. He follows this with a careful argument for the validity of Intelligent Design as a scientific theory -- a theory that has religious implications but is not dependent upon any religion. Meyer also shows that, as a scientific theory, Intelligent Design has the ability to focus research in profitable directions. Meyer presents difficult material in a highly readable manner; however, readers should be aware that this book contains details of biochemistry that will prove challenging for some readers. Nevertheless, there is no better source for those who seek a fair and comprehensive handling of this subject matter. Those who read this work will be richly rewarded for their effort.
Meyer: - Dr. Stephen C. Meyer's Darwin's Doubt: The Explosive Origin of Animal Life and the Case for Intelligent Design (New York: HarperCollins Publishers, 2013) builds on Signature in the Cell through a detailed examination of what is required for one life form to evolve into another. Focusing upon the Cambrian Explosion -- the rapid appearance of new animal life forms in the Cambrian period -- Meyer carefully reviews both fossil evidence and molecular biology. Showing that Intelligent Design is science rather than religion, Meyer concludes that Intelligent Design provides the only, truly scientific explanation for the appearance of new life forms on earth. Meyer handles the positions of those who disagree with Intelligent Design fairly and respectfully. As with his earlier volume, Meyer presents the material in the most readable form imaginable given the subject matter; however, reader's should be aware that this book contains details of biochemistry that may be challenging for some readers. And as with the previous volume, those who read this work will benefit greatly from the material Meyer has collected here.
Osten and Sears: - In The ACLU vs. America (Nashville: Broadman and Holman, 2005) Alan Sears and Craig Osten warn that, "From the very start, the ACLU wanted to destroy from within the America our founders intended, with the use of lawyers and the courts as the chief weapons." Why should Christians be concerned? They explain, "The ACLU's attempt to silence religious expression over the years has known no rational bounds." An important and frank look at the threat to freedom of religion in America in our time. Important information for all Americans. Written for lay people.
Christian Software
- The Works of John Wesley on Compact Disc for Windows and Macintosh compatible computers is produced by Segen Corporation in cooperation with Providence House Publishers. This CD-ROM disk contains the 1854 edition of the 14-volume Works edited by Thomas Jackson. The 14-volume Works has been available for at a reasonable price in printed form for some time now. The advantages of the CD-ROM version are the much smaller storage space, the ability to search for text using the Folio search technology included with the disk, and the ability to make notes. Readers should be aware that there are minor differences between this 1854 edition and the Baker reprint of the 1872 edition. At this time, this product may be ordered from Providence House or Segen Corporation.
- Wesleyan Heritage Library, Third Edition on CD-ROM for Windows from Wesleyan Heritage Publishing - Contains more than 450 complete works including John Wesley's notes on the Old and New Testaments, Adam Clarke's 6 volume commentary on Scripture, John Fletcher's 4 volume Works, Richard Watson's Institutes, and Richard Taylor's A Right Conception of Sin. Requires Adobe Acrobat Reader which is provided on the CD-ROM disc. Up-to-date versions of Acrobat Reader are also available without charge on the internet. Available from Cross Country Software which has other CD's presenting historic Christian writings as well.
Publishers and Distributors
Aldersgate Renewal Ministries
Offers Wesleyan books and materials.
Web site:
        +         +         +         +
Christian Book (formerly "Christian Book Distributors")
Makes Christian resources from a wide number of publishers available at reasonable prices.
Postal address:
        Christian Book
        P.O. Box 7000
        Peabody, MA 01961-7000
Web site:
        +         +         +         +
Publishes scholarly books on the Bible, theology (including Wesleyan theology), and the history of the ancient Near East.
Postal address:
        Eisenbrauns, Inc.
        P.O. Box 275
        Winona Lake, IN 46590-0275
Web site:
        +         +         +         +
The Foundry Publishing
Publishing House of the Church of the Nazarene
Postal address:
        The Foundry Publishing
        P.O. Box 419527
        Kansas City, MO 64141
Web site:
        +         +         +         +
Fundamental Wesleyan Publishing
Publishes books and commentaries from the Wesleyan perspective. Order books through Amazon.
Postal address:
        FWP Books
        541 Broughton St
        Orangeburg, SC 29115
Web site:
        +         +         +         +
Schmul Publishing Company
Publishes Wesley-Arminian books. Offers a wide selection of reprints of historic writings as well as those by contemporary authors. Operates a book-club in addition to offering individual works.
Postal address:
        Schmul Publishing Company
        P.O. Box 716
        Salem, Ohio 44460
Web site:
        +         +         +         +
Provides books and other resources written from the Wesleyan perspective in support of Scriptural holiness.
Postal address:
        415 Bridge St
        Franklin, TN 37064
Web site:
        +         +         +         +
Wipf and Stock Publishers
Publishes scholarly books on the Bible and theology (including Wesleyan theology); especially reprints and short runs.
Publisher of my book: Walking with the Full Assurance of Understanding
Postal address:
        Wipf and Stock Publishers
        199 W 8th Ave, Suite 3
        Eugene, OR 97401
Web site:
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This page was last updated May 12, 2020.